Drinking Water Quality Across California
A Comparison Across University Campuses
Presenter: Lily Alvarez
Hunter Santsche, Paige Ragsdale and Madison Templeton
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Biology
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project
Screenshot URL: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1hYWViTPzLtMiT8iWVBkmDymVF8ZmAY0m
We compared drinking water quality parameters and source/delivery infrastructures for five California universities in order to synthesize reported data that are publicly available. Two of the universities rely on well systems, whereas the remaining three draw on municipal sources. We found similar levels of dissolved lead, copper and chloride across the different schools. Data revealed that tap water at all universities met the federal maximum contaminant levels, however, some schools exceeded California’s public health standards for copper and lead. Our results indicate that the universities that utilize well water tend to have lower contaminant levels than those that draw on common municipal sources. These results improve our understanding of water quality as it relates to water source management across the state of California.