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Digital Defacing, 2020

Presenter: Jacob Brown

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 19-20

Semester: Spring

Department: Art

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

Screenshot URL:


The 1970's encapsulated a rise of, the defacing of public and private property, as a form of art. This style, known as "Graffiti", takes a foothold in the 60's and then explodes in the 70's. Starting as outcast expression, by the 1980's graffiti becomes a respectable form of art, found in gallery settings.

The digital rendering of art is something that was developing during the 1970's, but was no where close to the level of precision and range found in digital arts today. The work is made with this in mind and references the idea of present looking at past to understand present. Using an art form of today to encompass an art of the past creates a dialogue and an inevitable comparison for the viewer to interpret .