The Destruction of a Culture
Presenter: Lexi Rodrigues
Jenny Orchard, Philippe Devarenne
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 21-22
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor: Rim Zahra
Department: English
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium
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This movie script addresses the vilification of Arabs in Hollywood films during the 1920s and the ensuing discrimination that Arabs and Arab Americans would face. It explores the development of these stereotypes and inaccurate portrayals of Arabs in film to help create awareness of attitudes that may have led to these depictions. This project seeks to spread awareness of detrimental ideals that are shared through fictional stories in film and have the audience revisit and/or change their very own prejudices. This script pulls from various scholarly sources to accurately depict prevalent stereotypes about Arabs and the way Hollywood reinforces these stereotypes along with attitudes of discrimination that lead to otherization. Furthermore, the project provides an alternative narrative on the depiction of Arabs in film. Discover how the vicious and sinister portrayal of Middle Eastern culture may have started and how it could have been rectified if the mindsets behind these films were expanded with cultural experience, instead of imagination.