Coupled Oscillators and Waves
Presenter: Jordan Braun
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor: Michiael Jones
Department: Physics & Astronomy
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project
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Oscillators are a key component of a physicist’s toolkit for solving real-world problems. By using simpler trigonometric functions, we are able to describe much more complicated systems. In doing so, we are able to mathematically describe these systems and create equations of motion for the system. In order to model oscillations, we chose to use an array of pendulums, for each individual pendulum is able to represent part of a system. While the idea of oscillators may seem simple to a physics student, it is often not the case for others who take a physics or astronomy course as part of their general education, so we need a better way to describe the topic. By creating a physical model with corresponding equations of motion, we will be able to show the students how oscillators work rather than only describing them.