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Cosmetology on Diana Ross in the 70's

Presenter: Jazminn Sapalo

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 19-20

Semester: Spring

Department: Music

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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The fabulous singer and actress Diana Ross was a part of the pop/ soul trio in the 1960’s and 1970’s and eventually made her way to success on a solo career. It was during her teenage years where she began singing with her friends leading their way to making hits in the trio then eventually she started acting in wonderful films. She was born in Detroit on March 26 in 1944.  Diana Ross is an idol to many different people, including people in the singing community, acting community, even the cosmetology community. When she is on stage her makeup and hair is very loud and inspiring. The project includes the look of a very famous person in the 1970’s while recreating the look on another. The project examines the cosmetology world during the 70’s, helping the modern world to never forget the roots of past generations’ culture. The project shows my skills and interests and reflects the passion I have for the cosmetology community. Diana Ross loves to have her makeup with lots of blush, a smoky eyelid and bright vibrant lips. In the pictures of Diana Ross, her make up was very bright and colorful, especially on the blush, it was very pink and overtook the whole look. In the pictures I recreated of her inspired makeup look, I decided to do less of black liner only because I wanted the main focus to be on the blush itself. The camera quality didn’t allow the picture to look like its full potential so I did less eyeshadow and more blush and even then the blush could not show as much but in person, the blush is very bright and rosey. As you can see in Diana Ross’s pictures, her pictures are very high quality and one of a kind, just by her makeup you can tell the type of person she was, her makeup spoke loudly, very confident.