Blood Glucose Monitor
Using Volatile Organic Compounds in Breath
Presenter: Gaven Hayden-Town
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Engineering
Funding Source/Sponsor: Koret Scholars Program, McNair
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Diabetes is a chronic illness affecting over 10% of the population of the United States (34+ Million). Patients are often required to periodically test their blood glucose, which entails pricking a finger with a small pin, and collecting a drop of blood. A painful task that must be performed daily. With our device we are attempting to design a non-intrusive, light-weight, and low-cost alternative for the millions of people worldwide who suffer from Diabetes to help people manage their disease. Our device is a handheld air sensor, which tests for chemicals present in a user’s breath known as Volatile Organic Compounds(VOC). Supporting data regarding breath science and diabetes points to a link between levels of acetone and ethanol in the breath and Blood Glucose levels in patients. We have successfully proven to 97% the accuracy of our method to diagnose High, and Normal levels of Blood Glucose in lab settings, and plan to begin real-world testing as soon as feasible.