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Blockbusters of the 1980’s

Presenter: Rosalee Padilla

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor:

Department: Communication & Media Studies

Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium

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Film has endless possibilities. Every director (has) a different point of view, a unique signature, which allows them to stand out from a sea of filmmakers. The 1980’s revolutionized cinema, in that it allowed for this idea of the major “Blockbuster” to be solidified. The 70’s started it off and the 80’s continued the search. In order to delve deeper into this exploration, I had to figure out some of the top directors during this time period. This involved analyzing the highest grossing films of the 1980’s. For my creative project I decided to create a montage of clips from these top grossing films. My research included online information, an in-person interview, numerous Masterclass symposiums, as well as an analysis of filmmakers and their individual techniques.