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The Battle of Arab Immigration

Presenter: Marco Rivas

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 21-22

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor: Rim Zahra

Department: English

Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium

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The goal of my project is to give history of the early Middle Eastern immigration and show the struggles of having a life in America. My project goes over early history of the Ottoman Empire and establishment of life from the Middle East to the United States pertaining to the 1920s.   The struggles of what Arab Americans went through to gain citizenship and the scrutiny they later receive from the 9/11 attacks later on in history sheds light upon the challenges of living since the beginning of their immigration to now. Portraying the actual facts and history of Arab Americans will make us appreciate the transition they have made and the hardships they have dealt with to get to the United States and to make a living here. A hyperlink is added to an Instagram account I have created to show films that stereotype Arabs in the wrong ways. Many of these wrongdoings come from the Hollywood films that a majority of United states citizens have viewed over the years. There will also be other posts on the account of being aware of privilege and treating other races (specifically Arab Americans)  with the respect that we all rightfully deserve.