Art For All
Presenter: Megan Ward
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 19-20
Semester: Spring
Department: Native American Studies
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
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The title "Art For All" was meant that the art world is not to be dominated by white artists but that it can be for anyone to express themselves however they want. Art is for everyone and for anyone who wants to make a difference in the world or to have their voices be heard.
This piece is mainly to show off two symbols of Native American culture (being the white bison and the eagle). It also shows A.I.M., otherwise known as the American Indian Movement. A.I.M. was created to fight for equality for Native Americans, much like what the 1970s focused on; equality for all. The images of the water tower and sign at Alcatraz are to show what A.I.M. did to bring peace during the 1970s.
Art can be used to express freedom which is why the eagle is shattering the chain around the fist gripping the paintbrush (meant to symbolize Native American artists who used their art to express themselves and their cultures and sufferings). The fist is also painted in the A.I.M.'s flag colors. This particular image is also known as the “Raised Fist” which symbolizes solidarity and support. As for the white buffalo, that is to represent the White Buffalo Calf Woman who is a bringer of peace.
This poster is to show that art is meant to be expressive and that it can have deeper meaning while being simple.
Fist Reference:
“Raised Fist.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 5 May 2020,