Analyzing Traditional Mexican Music
Analyzing traditional Mexican music to understand undocumented men’s desire for assimilation
Presenter: Ashley Jimenez
Presenter Status: Graduate student
Academic Year: 20-21
Semester: Spring
Faculty Mentor: Patrick Johnson
Department: American Multicultural Studies
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project
President's Strategic Plan Goal: Diversity and Social Justice
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This research proposal project is meant to highlight the voices of undocumented immigrant men living within the United States, and how their understanding of their undocumented status frames the basis of their family structures, gender norms, and masculinity. This project is meant to better understand how key concepts such as masculinity, family values, and gender roles can be better understood through traditional Mexican music, a male-dominated space in which it is acceptable for men to voice their emotions and thoughts without repercussions, which made it much easier to use textual analysis as a way to connect key themes together.