The American Indian Movement in the 70's
Presenter: Lauren Quong
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Department: Native American Studies
Funding Source/Sponsor: SYRCE Symposium
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This collage is a visual expression of my research on the rise of the American Indian Movement in the 1970s, its objectives and demands, and the experiences of those who led and took part in the movement.
Image citations:
American Indian Movement, “A.I.M. Wounded Knee button,” Digital Public Library of America, 1990, Retrieved from, May 1, 2020.
“Dennis Banks burns a government proposal.” National Public Radio, Bettmann Archives, 1973, Retrieved from, May 2, 2020.
Diaz, Manuel. “200 Years of Misery.” UC Santa Barbara, Library, Department of Special Research Collections, 1976, Retrieved from, May 1, 2020.
Hartman, Ilka. “Alcatraz Proclamation.” FoundSF, October, 12, 2007, Retrieved from
Messinger, Joe. “Indian Movement Leader,” Digital Public Library of America, 1973, Retrieved from, May 2, 2020.
“Native Protest March: Terre Haute,” Digital Public Library of America, 1978, Retrieved from, May 2, 2020.
"Photo taken during the AIM takeover and ultimate surrender at Wounded Knee, South Dakota." Digital Public Library of America, 1973, Retrieved from, May 3, 2020
“Russell Means, left, and Dennis Banks in 1973, when they led a protest at Wounded Knee, S.D.” New York Times, United Press International, October 23, 2012, Retrieved from, May 3, 2020