African American Fashion in the 1920's
Presenter: Phoebe Tripp
Presenter Status: Undergraduate student
Academic Year: 21-22
Semester: Fall
Faculty Mentor: Beth Ann Turner
Department: Music
Funding Source/Sponsor: Class Project, SYRCE Symposium
Screenshot URL:
My project is a collage of four different pictures. Three of the pictures are of women and their fashion in the 1920s and one photo is a man and his fashion in the 1920s. The men and women of the time were experimenting with fashion and different ways that they were allowed to dress. My screenshot is a picture of a men’s three piece suit. Throughout the 1920s men and women were changing what they wanted and what they could wear for fashion based on the economy and what was comfortable. Men and women had various outfits that they had to wear throughout the day but in the 1920s it became more popular to wear one set of clothes all day instead of changing multiple times a day.