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1980s Chit Chat

Presenter: Danielle Moreno

Presenter Status: Undergraduate student

Academic Year: 20-21

Semester: Fall

Faculty Mentor:

Department: Communication & Media Studies

Screenshot URL:

I created a blog about immigration in the 1980s. My blog focuses on Central Americans and how films display how life was like during the 80s. The central research question that I answered through a film lens is how President Reagan's decision to identify Central Americans as economic immigrants and how his involvement impacted those groups in the 1980s. I anaylzed the films El Norte (1983), The House are Full of Smoke (1987) , and Harvest of Empire: The Untold Story of Latinos in America (2012). Through a films lens viewers are given a glmipse of the horrific experiences immigrants endured when the United States interfered with Central Americans way of living.