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Cultural Resources Study in Support of the Sonoma Land Trust VMP

Thomas Whitley

Archaeological survey in support of the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, Sonoma-Lake-Napa (LNU)’s Sonoma Land Trust Vegetation Management Program (VMP) Project. The Sonoma Land Trust VMP is located approximately .5 miles east of Glenn Ellen in Sonoma County, California. The 2022 VMP proposes 4 burn units comprising approximately 74 acres. The Sonoma Land Trust VMP is situated on private land owned by Sonoma Land Trust and the Audubon Canyon Ranch. 


Archaeological Monitoring Program for the 1850 Bryant Street Project

Thomas Whitley

To determine, to the extent possible, the presence or absence of archaeological resources at the 805 Bryant Street Project and to identify whether any archaeological resource that may be encountered on the project site constitutes an historical resource under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).


Archaeological Resources Study for the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission

Thomas Whitley

Archaeological resources study of approximately 12 acres at the Tracy ACE Station site at 4800 Tracy Blvd in the town of Tracy for the San Joaquin Regional Rail Commission Project. The archaeological resources study is being prepared in support of a Categorical Exclusion (CE) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1970, as amended.


Pacific Legacy On-Call to support services to Caltrans North Region

Thomas Whitley

To Provide On-call cultural resource support services to Caltrans North Region (Districts 1,2,3) through Pacific Legacy Inc., under the terms of Contract 03A3090 to support Caltrans in the maintenance, development, and construction of proposed Caltrans transportation facilities.


Cultural Resources Study of Monte Rio Redwoods Regional Park and Open Space Preserve

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform a cultural resources study for the proposed Monte Rio Redwoods Regional  Park and Open Space Preserve (MRRRP), Monte Rio, Sonoma County, California. MRRRP is approximately 515 acres along Dutch Bill Creek, but the proposed survey area is approximately 250 acres, which will include trails, areas along Dutch Bill Creek, and potential public access or use areas. The cultural resources study is being prepared to support an IS/MND and Master Plan.


Archaeological Monitoring Services MEN-20 Chamberlain Creek, Mendocino County

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will perform archaeological monitoring services for Mercer-Fraser Company for the Caltrans storm damage repair work on MEN-20 near PM 17.00. The work is taking place in the vicinity of Camp 20, a known tribal site and historic-era logging camp.


Sonoma County On-Call Archaeological Monitoring

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct on-call archaeological monitoring and/or facilitate tribal cultural monitoring throughout the California Department of Parks and Recreation, Bay Area District.  On-call monitoring may include providing tailgate style training to construction personnel, performing daily monitoring functions, and facilitating tribal cultural monitoring as necessary.


Caltrans NAGPRA Support 2020-2025

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will continue efforts towards the repatriation of Native American human remains and associated funerary items, and if present, unassociated funerary objects, objects of cultural patrimony, and sacred objects (collectively referred to as cultural items) housed at ASC.


Cultural Resources Studies in Sonoma & Marin Counties

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct resources studies at Bouverie Preserve, Cypress Grove Preserve, Tom’s Point Preserve, and Martin Griffin Preserve in Sonoma and Marin counties. This project involves a cultural resources review and field study of each preserve and recordation of any resources identified.


CAL FIRE On Call 19-22 - Cultural Resource Management Services

Thomas Whitley

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist CALFIRE with archaeological, historical, or ethnographic research; archaeological records checks; correspondence with Native American tribes and other Native Americans; archaeological field inspections and surveys; site boundary definition and mapping work; project reviews; impact assessments; resource evaluation excavations; surface collections; site record preparation; development of recommendations for the protection and management of tribal-cultural, archaeological and historical resources; cultural resource monitoring; and preparatio
