Cannabis Watershed Protection Program On-Call
School or Division: School of Social Sciences
Sponsor: Parks, California State (PARKS)
Calendar Start & End Date: -
Funding Amount: $500,000
The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will assist the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CA State Parks) with various Cultural Resource Management work as needed. CA State Parks will provide ASC with a description of the requested task and shall discuss the execution of the task with ASC staff to define the appropriate scope, type, character and number of requisite deliverables, timetable for completion, cost and any other specific instructions. Tasks will include, but not be limited to, any combination of the following: 1)Grow complex survey and mapping, 2)Grow complex and project area cultural resources inventory survey and preliminary cultural resources damage assessment, 3)Native American community engagement, 4)Regulatory analysis for cultural resources and development of cultural resources avoidance or protection, 5)Cultural resources stabilization plan.