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Archaeological Data Recovering Program for the Fort Barry Rifle Range

PI: Thomas Whitley School or Division: School of Social Sciences Sponsor: Department of the Interior Calendar Start & End Date: -

The Anthropological Studies Center (ASC) will conduct and report on historic archeological research and field investigations on those portions of the Fort Barry Rifle Ranch (FBRR) to be affected by the removal of lead bearing soils by the Army Corps of Engineer. ASC will discuss findings and recommendations for any necessary mitigation and treatment, both before and after lead remediation by Army Corps of Engineers. ASC will assemble previous research on the area and identify information gaps that need to be completed in order to create research questions that are appropriate for the FBRR, as well as provide sufficient outcomes for interpretation. Research questions developed during this, and other previous work at FBRR, will be refined and assessed for the best field methods to prior needed to successfully obtain sufficient answers.