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Extend Award

Most no-cost extension (NCE) requests on federal awards may be approved by SSU (the "grantee"). Typically, federal agencies require 10-90 days notice prior to the award's original end date and NCEs do not usually exceed twelve months. More than one NCE may be approved, depending on the federal agency. The format for these requests varies according to the federal agency's requirements; check with ORSP to clarify the appropriate format for your NCE.

National Science Foundation
The first NCE on a National Science Foundation (NSF) award is considered a "notification," and can be approved by the grantee. If time is needed beyond the first extension, a second NCE is considered a "request" that must be approved by NSF. "Notifications" and "requests" must be submitted by the Principal Investigator (PI) via Fastlane or, and should include the information outlined in the bulleted section below.

National Institutes of Health
If NCEs are allowed on a National Institutes of Health (NIH) award, a link for "extension" is posted in the "status" area of the NIH Commons 90 days before the end date. Once the link is posted, ORSP can submit the request. To initiate this request, the PI should submit a request to his/her PA with the information outlined in the bulleted section below.

All Other Awards
PIs must submit requests for NCEs to all other agencies in writing (by email or in a memo) to their PA for review/approval.

  • Justification for the NCE, including progress to date. The following reasons are acceptable: 
    • Additional time beyond the initial end date is required to complete the project.
    • The extension is necessary for an orderly phase-out of a project that will not receive continued support.
  • Length of the requested NCE.
  • An estimate of funds that are expected to remain unobligated on the scheduled end date.
  • A plan for how any remaining funds will be used during the extension period.

Please note that requesting additional time simply to spend down remaining funds is not considered a reasonable justification.