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Award Close Out

Award staff and/or the Principal Investigator/Project Director (PI/PD) should work closely with ORSP during the last several months of an award to ensure orderly close out. During this time the PI/PD must:

  • Inform ORSP if a no-cost extension request will be submitted to the sponsor.
  • Submit all transactions (invoices, travel claims, reimbursement requests) within 45 days of the project's end date.
  • Close any open Purchase Orders (POs), including blanket POs, within 45 days of the project's end date (unless the sponsor requires a financial report sooner than 90 days).
  • If the award has recurring expenditures (i.e. telecom or copying), a new award/fund code must be provided for charges beyond the award's end date; if there is no further funding ORSP will inactivate and close the award/fund.
  • Provide a new award/fund number for the Procurement Card (P-card) charges; if the PI/PD has no other funding, the card(s) should be terminated.
  • Send an electronic copy of all final technical/programmatic reports to ORSP to ensure compliance with funding terms and conditions.
  • Confirm that all cost sharing requirements have been met (if applicable).
  • Review and approve the final financial report and/or invoice prepared by ORSP, if applicable.
  • If the PI/PD is expecting additional funding beyond the end date of the current award but have not yet received the corresponding notice of grant award or contract, contact your PA to determine if pre award spending is allowable.