CSU Pathways to New Teacher Excellence 202-21

CSU Pathways to New Teacher Excellence 202-21

School or Division
Calendar Start & End Date
Jul 2020 to Sep 2021
Funding Amount

The purpose of the 2020/2021 project is to expand and further refine "making" across the State of California with four strategic components: supporting leadership activities and expanding maker initiatives while pivoting to virtual and online maker activities and initiatives at SSU; convening the first fully online higher education maker leadership symposium to bring in makers from across the CSU and other two and four year colleges; allocating resources and scholarships for maker instruction, faculty pedagogy, certificate programs, and open access handbooks; supporting STEM maker activities in online K12 environments; and growing maker activities and presences at CSU Bakersfield, Sacramento State, CSU San Marcos, and San Diego State University.